Culture based regeneration

Volume alla Voce!

Year: 2021 - 2022

Project in collaboration with Radio Sonora

Conceived and designed for: Union of the municipalities of Bassa Romagna

Suppporting the municipality of Bagnacavallo in Emilia Romagna Region, together with the Unione Bassa Romagna, in the development of the youth engagement initiative “Volume alla Voce”, (financed by ANCI). During 2022 we built a strategy to implement a training and capacity-building project addressing a group of youngsters (age 16-20), focusing on local development and cultural-based territorial regeneration topics. The outcome of the project was the promotion of 8 territorial botto-up projects created by the target groups involved, together with a dedicated with a dedicated communication plan. All projects were then exhibited in a closing event with theb local community, local authorities and regional policy makers.